Nice day for a leasure ride.

This morning I started out for a nice leisurely ride. The weather was great except for the strong winds that seem to hang around for days. There were gusts to 15 Mph coming from the SW. I rode 14.07 Miles at an average speed of 12.50 Mph and a peak speed of 22.9 Mph. I feel great except for this lingering stomach problem. The more I ride the better my back feels, not that my back doesn't hurt a huge amount, but it is somewhat better when I ride.

I have become accustomed to the voice of my Adeo, that I don't think I could ride without it. It makes my solo training rides much more pleasant, and it sounds like my coach pushing me. If any of you reading this have an Adeo I would love to hear about your experience using it.

I was supposed to be receiving the bar-ends today, but I tend to doubt it since there is no update on the UPS site. Today would have been a perfect day to do it with the nice weather. I will update the blog if I do get it.

he bar-ends delivery has been rescheduled for tomorrow do to bad weather on the way here from California. The delivery of my pair of SlipStreamz came this afternoon and I installed them on my helmet. I will test them tomorrow if things go well.

I had to reroute the audio cable on the trike to accommodate a better cable position when riding.


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