Odds and ends!

Today I spent some time installing a bottle cage on the trike. The original cage location is on the boom, which is a long if not impossible reach to get to. I moved it back to just in front of the cross member and axel. Since there were no lugs to screw the cage to, I used wire ties and Velcro straps. It is nice and tight, but I think next time I am by Home Depot I will purchase some long industrial ties.

I also purchased some 3M number 45 adhesive to affix the cushion when it is delivered tomorrow. Hopefully the new flags and mast will come tomorrow also.

I also spent time corresponding with fellow members of MARS regarding possible shirts for the club. With all the people in the club it is very hard to get them to agree on anything.

As soon as the cushion and flag are installed I will post pictures.


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